Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: The Godfather on May 24, 2012, 06:30 pm

Post by: The Godfather on May 24, 2012, 06:30 pm
Hi everyone,

So today I was expecting some Premium Pakistani Hash. I went to the Post Office and looked in my mail box only to find TWO notes telling me that there was a parcel waiting to be collected but I had to go into the Post Office to get it. Of course I'm not going to go and get it because I don't want to risk getting arrested and besides, the note says I maybe requested to present an ID which I do not have because I registered using a fake name, fake address and fake telephone number.

I am expecting more packages in the near future. Should I keep checking the box or should I loose the keys? Should I be worried about being caught?

Thanks for any help guys! I will really appreciate it in this time of madness! I am completely freaking out because I know there is enough shit coming to that box to put me away for life!

The Godfather
Post by: fredflintstone on May 24, 2012, 06:38 pm
Is the parcel bigger than your mailbox ?

If so this is not anything out of the ordinary.

Or perhaps it is international and the sender sent via a method that he didnt know required signature on your end.
Post by: hyruleantoker on May 24, 2012, 06:48 pm
Do you know which packages were intercepted? Was it just some cannabis? Or did you lose some heavier shit?
I'm not sure it matters too much though, I would suspect that items coming into that box are being checked now. You may be shit out of luck.

I would wait to see what other people say first, but my 0.02btc is to stay away from the box, and cut your losses.
Post by: UKMJ on May 24, 2012, 07:20 pm
You need to prepare in case they already have you on camera checking the box.

Clean your house and your computer.

How much more are you expecting? Can you call them, say you sent an employee to check your box and he told you of the notes but as he didn't have your ID could not collect it. See if you can find out why they could not put in in the po box, ie was it oversized ( check the demeans with the vendor to see if they match up). Or does it need a signature?

If you can afford to take the hit, then the decision should be easier to make.
Post by: The Godfather on May 24, 2012, 07:43 pm
It was only 2g's of hash. Surely it wasn't too big?
Post by: Luke on May 24, 2012, 07:58 pm
There's still no evidence that YOU ordered the stuff that arrives to your mailbox, right?
If there's no surrounding evidence (having been on this site, for instance), I find it hard to believe that they would be able to convict you.
Post by: Appa on May 24, 2012, 08:05 pm
There's still no evidence that YOU ordered the stuff that arrives to your mailbox, right?
If there's no surrounding evidence (having been on this site, for instance), I find it hard to believe that they would be able to convict you.

Unfortunately, that's not how a controlled delivery works.  By signing for or accepting the contraband-containing package into your possession, you give the police (who, during a controlled delivery, are hiding just out of sight) the probable cause to execute the warrant they brought with them.  If it's happening at a post office, they will probably have written the warrant to allow them to search your car and person, assuming your bring the package to your car.

Read this thread for more information about controlled deliveries and similar topics: dkn255hz262ypmii.onion/index.php?topic=21917
Post by: Limetless on May 24, 2012, 08:21 pm
It's highly unlikely they will actually execute a warrant for 2g of hash anyway, it's too minor for the police to give a fuck about. At the most you would get a knock. If we were talking about Class A then it would maybe a bit different but as I say, it's just a couple of gs of hash.

Personally I think you are most likely being overly paranoid but if you want to be safe just par it off. Job's a good'un.
Post by: hyruleantoker on May 24, 2012, 08:39 pm
If it was just hash, you should be fine... I wouldn't claim the package, but check your box normally anyway. Meh, I wish you good luck, and I hope you stay safe.

Post by: gotti on May 24, 2012, 10:07 pm
Just go get it. ID is required for registered mail (where mail is transported via locked box, sorted individually, and signed by every postal employee who handles it. Registered mail nearly guarantees that the recipient receives it and not their secretary or wife or anyone else.) If it's consciously specified for overnight, priority, or DCN signature confirmation, a signature will be required but that's it. Otherwise, no ID or signature is default.

Did it ship from Pakistan to the US?  If so, getting pick-up slips is pretty standard operating procedure in my experience.

Some post offices, like mine, just hold international packages and leave a pick up slip because they know most people don't regularly receive international mail. So to keep it safe, they leave a slip. A recent example... I ordered 30 vials of Ketamax from a Pakistani supplier. They made no attempt to conceal the contents of the package, but they did a good job of keeping it from breaking in transit (took 3 weeks) and ratting around if shaken. Still made it through customs despite meeting all the red flag criteria. The box could have easily fit into my mailbox and even more easily in the larger parcel boxes that are attached to my building's mailboxes. When I picked it up at the post office, I just acted like I got a pick up slip and wasn't sure what it was for. I asked why they just didn't leave it. The desk clerk explained signature wasn't required, but they just hold international mail to keep it safe since people around here, unless they're businesses, don't often receive international packages.

I've had totally legal parcels ship from Budapest and Afghanistan in the past and had the same experience. They shouldn't have required a signature (and they didn't when I picked it up, nor did it require ID), but they were held at the post office. A pick up slip was provided in my mailbox and the same explanation was given the previous times.

It may depend on where you live, but I'd say it's safe, especially given the small quantity. Even if you have to pick it up in person, the same plausible deniability principle applies. You just got a package pick-up slip in your mailbox and now you're at the post office to pick it up. Doesn't imply that you ordered it, you know what's in it, or why it's there. You've obtained the slips from a PO box that's under a fake name, but if shit hits the fan, this doesn't mean much unless you stole someone's identity in the legislative sense.

Just go pick it up. Wait a couple of days, hold on to the slips, and go in there during a busy time (lunch hour or the last 30 minutes before they close.)

In the unlikely event they ask for ID, just say you forgot or recently lost your wallet, say that it's never been required before when picking up parcels from your post office, and if there's anything you can provide to substitute (may be easy to forge a utility bill or student or employee ID or something--postal clerks are pretty lax when it comes to regulations--just my subjective experience.
Post by: modest mouse on May 24, 2012, 10:34 pm
Do you know which packages were intercepted?

none of them were. you jumped to that conclusion. healthy fear. unhealthy paranoia

GF, nearly every place requires a form of ID when opening a box, howd you get it in the first place? just tell em you dont have an id if they ask and tell em youll come back with it
Post by: cacoethes on May 24, 2012, 10:37 pm
the note says I maybe requested to present an ID which I do not have because I registered using a fake name, fake address and fake telephone number.

The Godfather

Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if you are not charged with any other crime, the fact that you registered for a PO box using fake information means you could at least be charged with mail fraud, right?

I'd be very careful, and weigh whatever risk vs reward there is for you.
Post by: Appa on May 25, 2012, 02:37 am
Correct me if I'm wrong, but even if you are not charged with any other crime, the fact that you registered for a PO box using fake information means you could at least be charged with mail fraud, right?

That is correct.  I understand mail fraud to be a pretty big felony.
Post by: Knomo on May 25, 2012, 03:05 am
Hory shiet y'all need to relax and take your meds because you are being way to paranoid.
Probably the package didn't fit in the mailbox, that's why it got sent to the Post Office and when you take the note with you, to prove it's yours you'll be alright.

Only have to show ID when a signature is required.

Post by: marsvolta12 on May 25, 2012, 06:40 am
Hi everyone,

So today I was expecting some Premium Pakistani Hash. I went to the Post Office and looked in my mail box only to find TWO notes telling me that there was a parcel waiting to be collected but I had to go into the Post Office to get it.

I'm guessing your in the US.
For one, I would never say open up a PO box, especially in a fake name. Its much harder for your lawyer to prove plausible deniablilty. LE has staged operations by videotaping the suspect walking in and out of post offices when receiving international packages (granted, it was a much larger amount).

If I was you I would clean house (even though it is VERY unlikely LE would be able to get a search warrant) and just not respond to the letters.

As for checking the box: have a friend do it, or do it yourself. It's unlikely that they would be watching your box for small amounts.
Post by: UKMJ on May 25, 2012, 09:00 am
Only 2 grams of hash, I would risk collecting it.

Depends what else you are expecting but you said it could put you away for life so I was assuming intent to supply quantities of cocaine or heroin.
Post by: Knomo on May 25, 2012, 09:10 am
Or just wait a month, not like that PO is going anywhere... And I don't think LE is going to watch one for 1 month, for 2 gram of hash :P

And since it's under a false name, it cannot lead to you.
Post by: The Godfather on May 26, 2012, 01:01 pm
Okay so the vendor I bought the hash from says the envelope would have been small enough to fit into my PO Box and he says he sent the hash in one envelope only so now im quite lost as to what it could be??? The letter said that the parcel would be returned to sender if not collected within 15 days. Will they know the return address is bogus and open the package or will they send it and it will end up being destroyed in the senders country?

In my country you do not need to present an ID when opening a PO Box.

Thanks for all the advice guys. I really appreciate it and I've managed to persuade myself that things are probably not as bad as they seem. Of course I will still be taking precautions like only checking the box in the very early hours of the morning and I have already cleared my house of everything that could lead me to that box or connect me with drugs in any way whatsoever.

The Godfather
Post by: LainOfTheWired1984 on May 26, 2012, 08:37 pm
Only 2 grams of hash, I would risk collecting it.

Depends what else you are expecting but you said it could put you away for life so I was assuming intent to supply quantities of cocaine or heroin.

2 grams of hash is not worth a potential FELONY charge of using the mail to transport drugs. Yes, that is a FELONY charge in the US. NO DRUGS ARE WORTH A FELONY!!!
Post by: raistlin on May 26, 2012, 08:54 pm
All royal mail notes are pre-printed with terms and conditions ie- ID - the postie just fills your details onto it.
You take note into the counter area
Hand it over.
Sometimes they ask for ID.
Sometimes they dont.

And thats just the way of it.  :)

EDIT - that would be UK though I would guess USA would use pre printed too - if they wer handwritten or typed headed paper id personally stay clear.

Pretty crazy about the felony - do they not take weight into consideration?

Post by: Fried Rice on May 27, 2012, 01:08 am
Just pick it up and let us know what happens. I probably wouldn't but we all would like to know the answer if you did. Realistically just let it get returned, they will not check a return address in Pakistan, just be stealthy the next time you open your box
Post by: pbody88 on May 27, 2012, 09:24 am
Take the card you received and go collect, if they ask for ID tell them you are a family member of the guy or something, if they wont give it to you, well then theres no way you can get it, so thats that. If they hand it over, dont open, take home, write "return to sender" on it and leave it for a few days before opening, just to be on the safe side.
Post by: The Godfather on May 31, 2012, 07:49 pm
Okay so I just went to the Post Office quite late in the evening to check the box. Guess what! Another "C.O.D Note". These are the details given:
NOTE: C.O.D. parcels will be returned to sender if not claimed within 15 days and other parcels within 21 days. Parcels are subject to demurrage after 10 days.
RECEIPT for a PARCEL from: Europe
SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE:...................................

Also on the note:
Customs Dues:...................
Import Tax:........................
Dock Dues:........................
Clearance Fee:....................
Other Charges:...................

TOTAL TO PAY $............

With no values filled in anywhere. Just my name, box number and where the parcel was from! Should I give up hope of the other $1000 worth of stuff ever coming? Should I stop checking the box now and get rid of the keys for security?

I was expecting the following stuff respectively:
- 5g Pakistani Hash
- 250 Pink Stars
- 5g MDMA
- 2 x LSD
- 4 x LSD
- 3.5g Shrooms

Why are they keeping all the packages now? Do you think they're intercepting everything now? Because I am quite confident that even if they open SKYY's stuff they won't see anything obvious so is there a chance that they may let that stuff through because there is no reason for them to keep it?

Thanks guys,
The Godfather
Post by: Meister on May 31, 2012, 07:59 pm
Ok, so what you do is put out a craigslist ad for a personal assistant. Use a prepaid phone. Meet them in a coffee shop or something near the post office to discuss the bullshit position and what your bullshit company does. Tell them you need to head to the office for whatever bullshit reason but want to continue the interview there, and ask if they could pick up the packages for you and meet you at the office nearby, and you'll pay them for the trouble. Give them the post office notices and then stake out wherever you told them the office would be. If they come walking to the fake office with the packages in a reasonable amount of time, your golden, go and hand them fifty bucks or whatever and walk away with your product.
Post by: The Godfather on May 31, 2012, 08:14 pm
See the problem with that is out of a community with 10 000 black people and only 200 white people it won't be too hard for the cops to make a line-up of the white people around my age (probably 15 - 20) and then im busted - fucked!
Post by: Meister on May 31, 2012, 08:22 pm
See the problem with that is out of a community with 10 000 black people and only 200 white people it won't be too hard for the cops to make a line-up of the white people around my age (probably 15 - 20) and then im busted - fucked!

Oh I didn't know you were a minority. In the US they always go after the black guy first. Personally if I were you I'd look around the post office a bit first, make sure there aren't any LE around, then just go in and ask for my packages. If anything seems fishy, guy gets on the phone or anything like that then I'll walk out of there. Unless there are cameras in the post office, I know the ones in my area don't.
Post by: The Godfather on May 31, 2012, 08:28 pm
Haha, camera's - they don't know what those are lol! But still, I know if I've been seen they can find me easily! So im just trying to gauge if it's worth taking the risk of spending the rest of my life behind bars - and being THE ONLY white person in jail in my country won't go down well, im sure! I've also been thinking.... Maybe I could call the head of the post office and offer him something like a grand or two a month if he just lets my shit go past. I think he might actually bite because my country is probably in the top 5 most corrupt countries in the world! But then again, I also wouldn't know how to approach or conduct this. How could I know that he's not just setting me up?
Post by: dandan321 on May 31, 2012, 08:42 pm
Haha, camera's - they don't know what those are lol! But still, I know if I've been seen they can find me easily! So im just trying to gauge if it's worth taking the risk of spending the rest of my life behind bars - and being THE ONLY white person in jail in my country won't go down well, im sure! I've also been thinking.... Maybe I could call the head of the post office and offer him something like a grand or two a month if he just lets my shit go past. I think he might actually bite because my country is probably in the top 5 most corrupt countries in the world! But then again, I also wouldn't know how to approach or conduct this. How could I know that he's not just setting me up?

I think you're overreacting and it would be a terrible idea to call up the head office if you're not even positive that they are trying to bust you. Offering him money would make it obvious that you are guilty. I really don't think LE is waiting for you, that would mean they would be hiding outside the post office everyday waiting for you which you haven't gone. How long has it been, 7 days? So they've been staking outside the post office for 7 days now waiting just for you and 2 grams of hash? Even though they allow anyone in the family to pick up packages? If you were truly busted they would knock on your door I'd say.
Post by: SpaceCadet90457 on May 31, 2012, 09:30 pm
I just skimmed through these posts, but you are over reacting.   This has happened to me without bad consequences.  When you start freaking out you start to raise flags.  Just go in there like everything is fine, say "hi" or "how are you today?" nothing else.  Do not start to make excuses and explain to the staff why this could be happening.  The fact is you don't know so don't mention it.  Then sign for the package and leave.  Until you open the package you don't know what is inside.  Maybe the sender wrote the wrong address, maybe an ex employee decided to use your box to transport.  There many scenarios a lawyer can use to provide reasonable doubt. 

And IF something does happen.  ask for a lawyer and say nothing else.  If they quesiton you find a spot on the wall, concentrate totally on that.  Block everything else out.  The worst mistake people make when dealing with LE is they start to talk.
Post by: Rocker on May 31, 2012, 11:35 pm
I just skimmed through these posts, but you are over reacting.   This has happened to me without bad consequences.  When you start freaking out you start to raise flags.  Just go in there like everything is fine, say "hi" or "how are you today?" nothing else.  Do not start to make excuses and explain to the staff why this could be happening.  The fact is you don't know so don't mention it.  Then sign for the package and leave.  Until you open the package you don't know what is inside.  Maybe the sender wrote the wrong address, maybe an ex employee decided to use your box to transport.  There many scenarios a lawyer can use to provide reasonable doubt. 

And IF something does happen.  ask for a lawyer and say nothing else.  If they quesiton you find a spot on the wall, concentrate totally on that.  Block everything else out.  The worst mistake people make when dealing with LE is they start to talk.

+1 for that very well said and sound advice :)

Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 02:18 am
Okay so I just went to the Post Office quite late in the evening to check the box. Guess what! Another "C.O.D Note". These are the details given:
NOTE: C.O.D. parcels will be returned to sender if not claimed within 15 days and other parcels within 21 days. Parcels are subject to demurrage after 10 days.
RECEIPT for a PARCEL from: Europe
SIGNATURE OF ADDRESSEE:...................................

Also on the note:
Customs Dues:...................
Import Tax:........................
Dock Dues:........................
Clearance Fee:....................
Other Charges:...................

TOTAL TO PAY $............

With no values filled in anywhere. Just my name, box number and where the parcel was from! Should I give up hope of the other $1000 worth of stuff ever coming? Should I stop checking the box now and get rid of the keys for security?

I was expecting the following stuff respectively:
- 5g Pakistani Hash
- 250 Pink Stars
- 5g MDMA
- 2 x LSD
- 4 x LSD
- 3.5g Shrooms

Why are they keeping all the packages now? Do you think they're intercepting everything now? Because I am quite confident that even if they open SKYY's stuff they won't see anything obvious so is there a chance that they may let that stuff through because there is no reason for them to keep it?

Thanks guys,
The Godfather

Why the fuck did you order all that in one go?  :-\
Post by: SpaceCadet90457 on June 01, 2012, 03:17 am
Rocker, awesome signature! thanks for the karma!

"Cars are real. Cops are real. Karma is real. And you can't fly. If you try to fly please start from ground level and videotape."
Post by: The Godfather on June 01, 2012, 07:00 am
Thanks guys! Given you all Karma for the help! Really appreciate the advice! Really fucking bummed about loosing a grand but hey, what the fuck can you do about it now. My fault in the end for being too greedy and ordering such a lot of stuff. Guess I'll be opening another mail box today so business can continue as normal.

The Godfather
Post by: Limetless on June 01, 2012, 07:07 am
Thanks guys! Given you all Karma for the help! Really appreciate the advice! Really fucking bummed about loosing a grand but hey, what the fuck can you do about it now. My fault in the end for being too greedy and ordering such a lot of stuff. Guess I'll be opening another mail box today so business can continue as normal.

The Godfather

If you are ordering that much mate you need to open maybe 2-3 PO boxes and space out the deliveries over a few weeks.
Post by: The Godfather on June 01, 2012, 07:11 am
Yeah I've decided that i'm going to order one package every 3 weeks to 6 weeks so that there is no specific time of month the packages will arrive and hopefully this won't raise any suspicion. The problem is that I underestimated the LE in my country and thought they wouldn't catch on to what I was doing, at least not as quickly as they did. Haha, in a third world country they still know how it's done! Fuckers!